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 Sujet du message: Horroclix, The lab
MessagePosté: Jeu Avr 05, 2007 12:29 pm 
Gros Troll
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Inscription: Mar Oct 03, 2006 9:18 am
Messages: 428
Apres 2 mois, Wizkids fini par sortir de son silence

Bhagwanx Consumer Experience Mgr a écrit:

WizKids announces special European release of HorrorClix: The Lab


Over a year ago, WizKids and our manufacturers changed our production procedures to meet testing requirements for plastic toys sold in Europe in advance of the required date of January 1, 2007. In that month, WizKids released the latest expansion for our HorrorClix CMG, The Lab worldwide. The testing of HorrorClix: The Lab was the first time in which we received unsatisfactory results, and we had to make the hard decision to not release the product in Europe while we reviewed the matter.

This has led to several months of uncertainty for HorrorClix fans in the EU. We’ve been working diligently behind the scenes with our manufacturer in light of the fact that we have not been able to provide The Lab to our distributors, retailers, and consumers in the European community.

To show our continued support and in appreciation of our European distributors, retailers and customers, WizKids is happy to announce the following actions as a result of the unintended delay of HorrorClix: The Lab in Europe.

I. WizKids will release AVP: Aliens and AVP: Predators through retail worldwide

As The Lab was the entry point to getting the AVP: Predators Collector’s Set, we want to open make it easier to get the AVP set. This product is being solicited now through distribution for a May 9, 2007 street date worldwide.

II. WizKids will offer a special reprint of The Lab exclusively for the EU

This reprint would be a brand-new product. This product would have new and different packaging, specifically branded with “European Edition”. We expect this product will release by mid-August 2007.

III. The European Edition will include preview figures from the upcoming HorrorClix set “Nightmares”

HorrorClix: The Lab will contain 2 figures from the Fall 2007 release of Nightmares. These will not be super-chase figures but rather added to the product mix at the RARE level. The character cards for these pieces will be stamped “Nightmares Preview Figure” to easily identify it. Dials and stats will be identical to the eventual release in Nightmares.

IV. Value-Add: the “buy it by the brick” program for The Lab European Edition

In addition to the Cloaking Predator figure, European Clix Brick purchasers of The Lab will receive the much-discussed Zombie Astronaut figure promo that was originally dropped from The Lab. This is a repaint of the Evil Cosmonaut figure. This figure will then be added to the worldwide brick program for Nightmares.

V. Offer more maps for retailers who purchase The Lab EE
European retailers who order 1 case of HorrorClix: The Lab European Edition will receive 10 HorrorClix maps to distribute to their players and help promote in-store play.

We appreciate the patience of our HorrorClix fans in Europe and believe these special incentives will make your wait worthwhile. Thank you for your continued support of WizKids and HorrorClix.

WizKids, Inc.
I'm just this guy, you know?

Traduction (et interpretation) vite fait :
- les set AVP avec pas beaucoup de figurines et qui coutent un max de pognon seront disponibles a la vente (mais pas qu'en europe, donc je vois pas ce que ca vient faire la) à partir du 9 mai.
- pour the lab, si tout va bien, une version europeenne differente de la version US (donc certainement des erratas differents) sortira mi aout (si ca merde pas encore d'ici la), avant l'extension prevu pour l'automne 2007
- en compensation ... une fig de plus a payer en "buy it by the brick"
- des preview de fig de l'extension (preview si the lab version EU a pas d'autre retard, et super utile d'avoir en rare une preview d'un truc qui sort un mois apres :roll: )

En conclusion ... circulez pour l'instant y'a rien a voir

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MessagePosté: Ven Avr 06, 2007 9:45 am 
P'tit Dieu Troll
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Inscription: Mer Mai 17, 2006 7:22 am
Messages: 3735
Localisation: lyon
:lol: :lol: :lol:
je circule rien d'intérressant pour moi sauf peut être un set prédator ...
:wink: :wink: :wink:

« Un homme, ça peut-être détruit, mais pas vaincu »
Ernest Hemingway

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