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 Sujet du message: Star Trek Attack Wing - Nouveaux scénarios Officiels
MessagePosté: Ven Juil 28, 2017 10:49 am 
Vieux Troll

Inscription: Mar Mar 21, 2006 1:20 pm
Messages: 718
Bonne nouvelle, Wizkids se met enfin à faire des scénarios thématiques dans lesquels la victoire est via un objectif et pas simplement déterminée par celui qui inflige le plus de dégâts !!!!
(je ferais une traduction à l'occasion)

Histoire :

In this scenario, your fleet arrives in an unexplored sector of space to investigate a series of subspace anomalies causing large scale time fluctuations across the quadrant. As you arrive, your sensors detect an enemy fleet coming out of warp nearby. You have direct orders to investigate the anomalies to figure out their source, but you cannot simply ignore your most hated enemies while doing so. As you engage in combat and start investigating these anomalies, you realize that they are tears in space and time which bridge multiple universes!

Will you use these anomalies to your advantage to defeat your enemies or will you try to find the source of the anomalies as quickly as possible and leave your enemy behind?

Restrictions :

In the Chronological Chaos event, players will find some build restrictions when making a 130 SP fleet in order to keep the scenario fair and balanced.
- No ship may have an oversized base.
- No ship may equip an upgrade that removes a ship from the play area (such as Warp Jump).
- No ship may equip any upgrade that changes an enemy ship’s maneuver (such as Lure, Thought Maker or Faked Messages).

Matériel nécessaire :

5 Objective Tokens: 2 Space Stations, 1 Asteroid Field, 1 Debris, 1 Derelict Ship, and
24 Mission Tokens

MISE en Place :

Place one of the Space Station Objective Tokens face up in the center of the play area. Afterwards, shuffle the remaining objective tokens face down and hand two of them to each player (who cannot peek at them). Starting with the player with the Initiative, the players take turns placing the tokens face down in the play area such that no token is within range 2 of any edge of the play area or within range 2 of any other token. Once all tokens have been placed, carefully flip them face up, and then remove the second Space Station Objective Token so that only 4 Objective Tokens remain in the play area (1 Space Station, 1 Asteroid Field, 1 Debris and 1 Derelict Ship). Afterwards, the players place their ships in their starting areas per the normal Set-Up rules for two players.

Règles spéciales :

Subspace Anomalies- The objective tokens represent subspace anomalies. Each of the subspace anomalies is numbered as follows:
1.Space Station
2.Derelict Ship
3.Asteroid Field

A ship that passes through one of the objective tokens is displaced into another universe. These alternate universes can only be entered by moving each of your individual ships across the objective tokens in ascending order:

Space Station > Derelict Ship > Asteroid Field > Debris

The number of mission tokens on a ship’s base will indicate which universe that ship is currently in. A ship is considered to pass through a subspace anomaly when any part of its base or template touch the objective token.

When a ship passes through a subspace anomaly and the number of the objective token is exactly one higher than the number of mission tokens on the ship’s base, then immediately place one more mission token on the ship’s base. If a ship passes through a subspace anomaly prematurely or passes through the same subspace anomaly a second time, there is no effect.

IMPORTANT: A ship can only affect another ship if both ships have the same number of mission tokens on their bases.

When an effect that places a token on the board is used (i.e. Cloaked Mines, Antimatter Mines, etc.) place a number of mission tokens on that token equal to the number of mission tokens on the base of the ship that the effect originated from. Only ships that have the same number of mission tokens on their base as the token can be affected by that token.

Fin de match :

The mission ends when:
1.Any ship has four mission tokens at the end of the round.
2.One player is eliminated.
3.The time limit is reached.

Objectif et conditions de victoire :

1. Have the most ships with four mission tokens on their bases at the end of the game.

a. If players have the same number of ships with four mission tokens on their bases, of those tied ships, the player whose ship has the highest Captain Skill wins the mission. If the ships have the same Captain Skill, the player who has Initiative wins the mission.

2. Have the ship with the most mission tokens on its base at the end of the game.

a. If both players have a ship with the most mission tokens on their bases, of those tied ships, the player whose ship has the highest Captain Skill wins the mission. If the ships have the same Captain Skill, the player who has Initiative wins the mission.

3. Destroy all your opponent’s ships.

4. Have more Fleet Points than your opponent for that Battle Round.

a. If Players have the same Fleet Points for that Battle Round, one player rolls five attack dice and the other player rolls five defense dice. The player who rolls the most Battle Stations results wins.

BONUS – At the end of the game, each mission token on your ships’ bases is worth +10 Fleet Points

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